Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
129041 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry
131062 European Asphalt Technology Association
73579 European Association for the Science of Air Pollution
37845 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Special Publication, Proceedings
487816 European Biophysics Journal 1432-1017
155765 European Biotechnology News 1618-8276
150520 European Bulletin of Adapted Physical Activity
766527 European Business Law Review
165644 European Business Review
684998 European Business Review 1758-7107
790484 European Business Review
73862 European Cell Materials
73861 European Cells Materials
145578 European Cells and Materials
55577 European Central Bank Working Papers
290588 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
126641 European Clinical Respiratory Journal
153082 European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service
149415 European Company Law Journal
73024 European Competition Journal
560820 European Competition and Regulatory Law Review
37985 European Conf. on SiC and Related Materials ECSCRM'04
37979 European Conf. on SiC and Related Materials, ECSCRM'04
170443 European Conference (ECML-PKDD)
32314 European Conference of Educational Research, University College, Dublin, 7-10 septembre 2005
485032 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
174127 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'2014). T. Schaub et al. (Eds)
161335 European Conference on Computer Vision
159651 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020
29566 European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University of Crete, 22-25 septembre 2004
66331 European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)
303148 European Conference on Knowledge Management 2048-8963
132806 European Conference on Networks and Communications 2018
74496 European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
29563 European Consortium for Political Research, Workshop 15 "Politics of Friendship : bridging the Gap Between Theoretical and Empirical Studies " , ECPR, Granada, 11-15 april 2005
151254 European Constitutional Law Review
61071 European Consumer Law Journal
162656 European Dialogue
155009 European Drama and Performance Studies
173791 European Drama and Performance Studies, Hors série, La Décentralisation théâtrale en revues
173668 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1350-293X
56192 European Earthquake Engineering
152049 European Eating Disorders Review 1099-0968
30885 European Economic Association, 20th Annual Congress
113525 European Economic Review
43059 European Economy: Special Reports
117431 European Education Research Journal 1474-9041
178083 European Educational Research Journal
605589 European Endododontic Journal 2548-0839
168910 European Endodontic Journal
144757 European Energy and Environmental Law Review 0966-1646
84512 European Energy and Environmental Science
155672 European Entomologist 1803-1366
25675 European Environment
30646 European Expansion and Law : The Encounter of European and Indigenous Law in 19th and 20th Century Africa and Asia, W.J Mommsen and J.A deMoor eds
232201 European Eye on Radicalization
156341 European Farriers Journal
20676 European Finance Review
156419 European Food and Drink Review 0955-4416
69452 European Food and Feed Law Review
70372 European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL)
81617 European Foresight Platform
33552 European Geosciences Union
339746 European Geriatric Medicine
149305 European Health Psychologist
121409 European Healthcare Telematics Observatory Journal
245582 European Heart Journal
441679 European Heart Journal 1522-9645
610138 European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging
890861 European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
428107 European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2634-3916
78980 European Heat Pump News
104023 European History Online (EGO)
115231 European Inklings
36227 European Institute of Retailing and Services (EIRASS)13th international conference, Budapest, Hungary
170227 European Integration Studies
71704 European Integration online Papers (EIoP)
170947 European International Arbitration Review (EIAR) 2167-9061
35439 European Investiment Review Annual conference, E.I.R., London,
47802 European Investment Bank Papers
170121 European Investment Law and Arbitration Review 2468-7413
180071 European Issues
125603 European Issues Fondation Robert Schuman
33444 European J. Cell Biol
48441 European J. of Comb
110603 European J. of Mechanics-A/Solids
81851 European Journal Electrical Engineering
614170 European Journal Of Taxonomy 2118-9773
79501 European Journal for Jewish Studies
93704 European Journal for Philosophy of Science
152155 European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
177617 European Journal for Security Research 2365-0931
68912 European Journal for Semiotic Studies
48355 European Journal for Sport Management
178871 European Journal of East Asian Studies
442967 European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research 2053-4086
120312 European Journal of Ageing
179222 European Journal of Ageing 1613-9380
156536 European Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 1381-2335
622157 European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 2684-1827